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If your business handles sensitive information about employees and customers, or has confidential documents on business accounts and deals, it’s crucial to restrict access to these files from view. Even when your employees are well-trained and trustworthy, a minor mistake could result in severe consequences. Here are four methods that can help you limit the access to electronic documents to prevent a breach.

It is possible to block the threat actors from accessing secured files by utilizing two-factor and multiple-factor authentication protocols. The additional security layer stops them from stealing passwords and usernames to view confidential data. It also helps with compliance with laws such as GDPR and HIPAA.

The requirement for eSignatures is a popular option for businesses who wish to keep anyone who is not authorized out of private data. This lets businesses verify the identity of a person before allowing them to access private information. This also ensures maximum security as any changes to documents can be easily detected.

Custom permissions can be used to improve security by allowing managers to regulate sensitive files that are printed, copied, and opened. The restrictions can be placed on the types of modifications that a document can undergo like changing the text or designs. These documents can also be equipped with an examine trail incorporated into them to allow administrators to keep track of activity and find any changes that are paperless Board Meeting not authorized.

It’s also important to ensure that everyone in the office is aware of the importance of keeping information secure in both digital and paper files. This can be done by following the « clean desk policy » which ensures that all papers and documents are securely secured or protected by passwords when an employee leaves their desk and all devices, regardless of whether it’s a laptop, desktop computer or smartphone, are cleaned of any personal information prior to when they are shut off or disposed of.