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You can keep the reason for calling out quite vague, citing personal reasons or not feeling well. This will be acceptable for the odd day off but you will need to be more specific if you will be off for longer. You’re not feeling well, and the thought of the office turns you cold. In theory, anything wrong with you that will prevent you from performing your usual job role is a valid reason to call out of work. Saying you have a family emergency is often an acceptable reason to miss work.

However, if you have a job like a bus driver, pilot, or school crossing guard, having an earache can be a problem even if it’s not caused by something you can spread. Some ear problems can affect your balance and could make it unsafe for you to go to work. If you have strep throat, you’ll need to take antibiotics.

You have a doctor’s appointment

To give yourself enough of a time cushion without worrying about your current boss needing something from you ASAP, it might be worth it to call off work instead. The beauty of remote work is that you can often schedule doctors’ appointments during the day and still make up work without missing a beat. That said, not all appointments can be finished in under an hour.

Managers generally want contagious team members to isolate and avoid spreading germs. And if you work remotely, it’s perfectly acceptable to request time off if you need to rest and recuperate. We all need to get out of work at the last minute sometimes. To make the process go smoother, call or email your employer as soon as possible. And remember to be ready for any follow-up questions when you return to work and see your manager.

Why Do You Need a Good Excuse to Call Out of Work Last Minute?

If you leave home when you’re sick, you could get other people sick, too. If your child has pink eye, they’ll need to stay home from school or daycare. If you catch it from them, you’ll need to call out from work. However, if you’re constantly blowing your nose, it’s more likely you’ve caught something. Not all illnesses that inflame the voice box, causing you to be hoarse or “lose your voice,” are contagious. If you only have laryngitis, you can likely be out and about without concern of getting others sick (just try to rest your voice).

One of the best ways to create better balance in your life is with a flexible job that cuts down on the amount of time you need to miss work. Take the tour and discover all of the ways that a FlexJobs membership can support your career and personal goals. No matter how dedicated you are to your job, there will be https://remotemode.net/ times when you can’t make it to work. If you need to miss work, including on short notice, this article will give you the 12 best excuses to do it. Calling out of work doesn’t need to be difficult, but if you give the wrong reason, it could leave your boss doubting you and could even get you fired in some states.

Best Excuses to Miss Work (Last Minute/Short Notice)

Do check your company’s dependants leave policy before using this excuse. Some employers don’t pay for time off work due to family emergencies. You might have to take off work because your child or spouse experienced a sudden illness. Or, it could be your grandmother who suddenly needs help handling a heavy delivery because she’s incapable of doing so herself. Whatever the case, family emergencies are valid excuses to miss work.

  • Calling in and saying you need to go to the emergency dentist for a root canal is a solid excuse to use.
  • If you get robbed on the way to work, it’s one circumstance that many bosses will give you some leeway to miss work.
  • Or, it can be as dramatic as the family emergencies we listed earlier.
  • Everyone understands that people need time off for family emergency.
  • A family member could become seriously ill or injured, requiring your care or support.
  • Nausea is a valid reason for needing time off, no one is up to working when those waves of sickness hit.
  • Here are some ways you can fake an illness or say you’re too sick to come to work without getting caught.

Keep in mind that you may be asked to provide an update on the situation upon returning to work. The key is to be professional and provide your employer with as much advance notice as possible. Life can be unpredictable, and family emergencies are no exception. When an unforeseen occurrence impacts the wellbeing or security of a family member, reasons to call out of work you may be called on to provide immediate attention and support. While it’s not always necessary to provide plans for covering missed work during your absence, it can be helpful and appreciated by your employer. This shows that you are responsible and considerate of the impact your absence might have on other team members or company.

How Do I Call In Sick for Mental Health?

I won’t be able to log on for work today due to a family emergency. I may be available to work from home later this evening, but will keep you posted. Please let me know what needs to be prioritized in the event that is possible.

reasons to call out of work besides being sick

Of course, if you have an easy-going boss and a job that can be done from home, they may let you work from home the whole week while your car is getting fixed. It all depends on your boss and specific job, so you’ll need to use your best judgement when deciding whether to use this excuse or another when you call out of work. There are bound to be days when, despite your best efforts, you’re just not in the best mindset to work. And with so many remote workers also having to juggle kids at home with online school and other new responsibilities amid the pandemic, people’s mental health is suffering.